Thursday, July 16, 2009

City Begins Tar and Chip Season

Watch out two wheelers(bikes, moped, motorcycles)! The city's Tar and Chip Brigade has begun its annual march to make life tough for you. While preservation of the village streets is a necessary evil, it is not a pleasant experience to ride on loose stone and keep your ride on both wheels. Starting and stopping is also very difficult at stop signs and pedestrian crossing. Not to mention the stream of stones coming at you from the car in front that spins its wheels attempting to take off while you sit behind as a unwilling victim.

It doesn't last forever though. Soon the chips will be sitting on the side of the road. For those streets that are fortunate enough to be paved all the way to the curb (several have gravel birms due to not having a storm sewer installed) the street cleaner will take them away. The rest will just have more gravel to deal with.

Could we not seek some of the so-called stimulus money that is earmarked for roads and infrastructure to lay sewer tile on well-used streets and to properly pave them?

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